
Harry Potter Food


Valentine’s Day Harry Potter Cookies

Did anyone say Valentine's Day Harry Potter Cookies? I wanted to take the "You're a keeper" line and put it into heart shaped cookies, because I can somehow imagine the girls at Hogwarts doing the same thing. There's no Amortentia in my recipe though, only butter sugar and vanilla. And a bit of lemon zest…

Fantastic Beasts Queenie’s Apple Strudel – Making Harry Potter Food Again!

Was anyone looking for a Fall dessert recipe? I was, especially since it's apple-picking season and I've been seeing apples practically everywhere.  Also, not gonna lie, I LOVED doing that Harry Potter Food series last summer and have missed it so much! I had been considering making Queenie's Apple Strudel since then, especially because this treat has such a beautiful scene in the movie. I just wasn't sure if I was ready for such a baking challenge.  But this time I decided to go for it anyway, and it turned out great! Also, I feel like it's perfect timing because apple strudel screams FALL to me. 


Happy Birthday, Harry Potter! It's July 31 and we Potterheads know that this is the day we celebrate Harry's and J.K. Rowling's birthdays. I thought about making a cake to celebrate the occasion, but here at home we have zero self-control when it comes to baked goods, so having a complete cake would mean we…

Trying Recipes from Harry Potter: Lemon Drops

I know I said I was going to make 7 Harry Potter recipes for this series. Because 7 is THE magical Harry Potter number. But then someone suggested I should make lemon drops and I couldn't refuse! How could I end this series without Dumbledore's favorite candy? Luckily, The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook had an…