Food & Crafts


Happy Birthday, Harry Potter! It's July 31 and we Potterheads know that this is the day we celebrate Harry's and J.K. Rowling's birthdays. I thought about making a cake to celebrate the occasion, but here at home we have zero self-control when it comes to baked goods, so having a complete cake would mean we…

Trying Recipes from Harry Potter: Lemon Drops

I know I said I was going to make 7 Harry Potter recipes for this series. Because 7 is THE magical Harry Potter number. But then someone suggested I should make lemon drops and I couldn't refuse! How could I end this series without Dumbledore's favorite candy? Luckily, The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook had an…

Trying Recipes from Harry Potter: Cauldron Cakes

Of course I had to make Harry Potter Cauldron Cakes! And of course, this series of Harry Potter inspired food had to include 7 magical recipes, because we all know 7 is THE magical number. He had never had any money for candy with the Dursleys, and now that he had pockets rattling with gold…